RSE in Schools

We deliver workshops to students in schools across Plymouth. Our workshops give young people the opportunity to find out about healthy relationships, consent, contraception and how to make informed decisions about sex.
The safe, fun and interactive group-based discussions encourages students to ask the questions they want the answers to and to make positive choices around relationships and sexual health.
Students will:
Learn about healthy relationships and consent
Understand how effective contraception use prevents conception
Understand the risk of unprotected sex and acquiring an STI
Increase confidence to practice ‘safer sex’ using barrier methods of contraception
Learn where to go for further support
We can also offer workshops for teaching staff and other professionals supporting young people. These sessions can be tailored to meet your needs and can cover:
Information and relevant stats around relationships, sexual health, STI’s, pornography, CE and CSE
Confidence around teaching SRE, potential questions/conversations that may present.
Practice based session including condom demo and contraception, STIs, scenarios and examples of sessions.
To find out more information, including cost, or to book a workshop or session please get in touch.