Our services
Supporting young people to live successful, healthy and fulfilling lives.
We are a charity which provides free confidential information & support to young people.
Our services, available 5 days a week and supported by a dedicated team of volunteers, offer young people emotional support and information around housing, sexual health and mental health and the options available to them.
Our sexual health service provides support with relationships, sexual health and sexuality. Talk with our trained workers in confidence, as well as get free condoms, STI screening and pregnancy testing. Nurses are also available to prescribe contraception, including the pill and the implant, and emergency contraception.
Our housing support team, ZAP, provides support to young people who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless by offering early intervention and tenancy support.
Our counselling service provides practical support and counselling to young people who have been the victim of crime.
We also work with schools to support the emotional health and wellbeing across school communities and deliver sessions around RSE and drugs and alcohol.