Housing & homelessness advice for 18 - 24 year olds

There are a number of options available to you if you are aged 18 - 24.
If you are: Immediately homeless with nowhere to sleep tonight
Please contact us as soon as you can. Our drop in opens at 10am and one of our workers will be able discuss your options which may include sign posting you to Plymouth City Council to make a homeless application, referring you to the hostels George House Hostel or Salvation Army - Safe Sleep and offer you further support from one of our workers by referring you to ZAP's early intervention project.
If you find that you will be sleeping rough our workers will also be able to offer you advice.
Homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
If you believe you are at risk of becoming homeless or are spending time sleeping on friends sofas please drop in to see us as soon you can. You will be able to meet with one of our housing team who will be able to look at your situation and discuss your options with you.
This could include:
Referring you to ZAP for one to one support,
Referring you to supported housing projects, such as the Foyer and Plymouth House, via A2A.
Sign posting you to Plymouth City Council for information about housing benefit,
Completing the PATH referral form for a deposit guarantee
Registering with Devon Home Choice.
Whatever your situation we always suggest that you contact The Zone as soon as possible so we can explore your housing options with you.

Emergency Support
If you are currently homeless please contact Plymouth City Council on 01752 668000.
If you are unable to call please go to Midland House.
Midland House is between Princess Street and Notte Street & open Mon-Thurs 8.30am-5pm and Fri 8.30am-4.30pm.
If you are not homeless but are needing advice/advocacy, please send us an email and include a contact number we can call you back on or call to speak to someone on 01752 206626.
You can also call Shelter on 03301 755 121.
If you do not get an answer, please leave a message and someone should get back to you as soon as possible.