At The Zone we provide a confidential service to all the young people we support. However there may be times that we do need to share information.
Sharing information
Usually we won’t talk to anyone outside of The Zone unless you give us consent to do so. However, if you told us something that made us feel concerned that you or somebody else was at risk of harm, then we must act to make you safe. We may need to report past abuse. If this happens we will try to talk to you first so you know what is going on and so you can help us plan how you want it to be done.
If you would like to know more about when we share information outside The Zone then please ask.
Written records
In order for The Zone to support you we keep written notes of our contact with you. We are guided by the Data Protection Act 1998 in how we do this.
Your notes are confidential to The Zone (Youth Enquiry Service Plymouth LTD) and will be treated with respect and kept securely in locked cabinets.
We may on occasion share information within our own projects to better support your varying needs.
We will keep your records for six years from your last contact with us and then destroy them.
You may ask to see your notes; in some circumstances this request may need to be made in writing.
We may use your records for statistical and funding purposes; this will be done anonymously and will not include any details that will identify you.
If you have any questions about confidentiality please contact us.